Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

You may be entitled to a refund of vehicle tax if e.g. your vehicle has changed ownership or been decommissioned.

Excess vehicle tax is reimbursed through the next tax bill unless you apply for a refund.

A refund can be issued if:

  • the car is decommissioned or removed from the register
  • the taxpayer changes
  • the information marked on the register changes such that the vehicle becomes exempt from tax or the amount of tax due is reduced
  • the taxpayer is exempt from vehicle tax

Use the electronic service to provide the account number for the tax refund.

Follow the steps below


Log in to My e-Services

You can log in with your online banking credentials, mobile certificate or certificate card.

After authentication, choose your user role: personal services or acting on behalf of your company/organisation.


Go to the front page of My e-Services

Select “Vehicles and taxation”.


Select “Give account number for tax refunds” under “Services”

You can find the services on the right side of the page in the browser version and at the bottom of the page in the mobile version.


Give your account number

Give the account number in IBAN format (the BIC code is retrieved automatically).

You can set the account number in My e-Services, in which case the refund will be paid automatically to this account within twelve (12) months of the creation of the refund.


You have successfully created the refund when you receive a confirmation message

After this, you can print out or save the confirmation message in PDF format.

The refund will appear on your account in 1–3 days.