Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

The page introduces the different types of radio license and gives links to apply for a license.

Vessel licences for boating and seafaring (PAL and AL) 
Radio equipment used in recreational boating (PAL) (e.g. marine VHF radiotelephone and/or DSC device, maritime radar, EPIRB emergency transmitter, AIS transmitter, SART and MOB). The applicant must have a proficiency certificate in maritime radio communications.

Radio equipment used in professional seafaring (AL) (e.g. MF/HF radiotelephone and/or DSC device, maritime radar (3 cm or 10 cm), EPIRB emergency transmitter, AIS transmitter, SART, AIS-SART, EPIRB-AIS and MOB.) The user of a marine VHF radiotelephone must have a proficiency certificate in maritime radio communications.

If you wish to change the information on a valid licence, select the hyperlink for a radio licence that requires processing.

AL / PAL (External link)

AL / PAL (External link)



Audio radio transmitter (BC) (External link) radio licence is needed for analogue radio broadcasting. Excluding radio broadcasting lasting less than three months or small-scale in nature, broadcasting requires a programming licence applied for separately.


BC (External link)



Television transmitter (BT) (External link) radio licence is needed for a TV transmitter operating in the digital terrestrial mass communications network. The operations generally require a network licence granted by the Finnish Government. The licence is not required if the operations last no more than one month and the maximum radiated power of the TV transmitter used for the operations does not exceed 50 W ERP or if the transmissions are of low-power and intended to be received only in a limited area.


BT (External link)



Special licences for amateur radio stations (EA) are used when applying for a licence for an automatic station used in amateur radio traffic (voice repeater, bulletin board system, digital repeater, etc.).
The licence holder must be a natural person with an amateur radio certificate or a legal person the supervisor of whose amateur radio station holds an amateur radio certificate of general or technical class.


EA (External link)



On-site paging system (HH) (External link) radio licences, as indicated by their name, are intended for various on-site paging systems, such as customer paging systems. Most on-site paging systems are utilised for one-way transmissions, i.e. only the central unit of the system contains a radio transmitter.


HH (External link)



Aircraft radio equipment (IA) (External link) radio licences cover e.g. aviation VHF telephones, emergency radio telephones (ERT), distance measuring equipment (DME), radioaltimeters (RAM), transponders (TRP), traffic collision avoidance systems (TCAS), Doppler navigators, weather radars (9 GHz) and emergency location transmitters (ELT).

If you wish to change the information on a valid licence, select the hyperlink for a radio licence that requires processing.

IA (External link)

IA (External link)



Aeronautical portable radio equipment (IAKA) (External link) radio licences are intended for aviation VHF handphones used onboard aircrafts and gliders and on the ground.

The station must use a unique identifier of the aircraft or glider where the radiotelephone is used. If the aircraft or glider has no identifier or the radiotelephone is used as a ground-based radio, the station identifier must be some other identifying information of the place of use of the radiotelephone.

The user of the radio transmitter must check the need for a specific rating for operating aviation radio communications from the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency regulation PEL M2-93.

IAKA (External link)




Ground-based aviation radio equipment (IAMA) (External link) radio licences cover aviation VHF radios and landing and navigation systems (ILS, VOR, DME). 

The user of the radio transmitter must check the need for a specific rating for operating aviation radio communications from the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency regulation PEL M2-93.


IAMA (External link)



Remote control and use network (KO) (External link) radio licences are needed for using radio networks that are based on radio modems. Radio modems are used e.g. to control and monitor the operations of various municipal engineering services, such as electricity distribution, water supply and wastewater networks.


KO (External link)



Radio link (LI) radio licences are intended for data transfer connections between two fixed points. Radio links are mainly used for mobile network backbone connections and electricity and authority network data transfer connections.


LI (External link)



Maritime radio system (MJÄR) radio licences are needed for radio communications related to seafaring or boating when the radio transmitter is used on land. Examples include radio communications related to port operations and vessel traffic management.


MJÄR (External link)



Other radio system (MUUT) radio licences are intended for radio transmitters that are not included in any other radio equipment group listed in the table. The radio licence can be applied for with a free-form application.



Contact form (External link)


General radio network (MVV) radio licences are granted for the operational activities and product development of public and private mobile networks (External link). The radio licence can be applied for with a free-form application.



Guidance (External link)


Personal locator beacon (PLB) radio licences come with an identification number that is programmed into the device. The licence is device-specific and valid within Finland.

PLB (External link)




Private radio network radio licences (PMR) (External link) cover mobile terminal devices (radiotelephones and data modems) used for voice and data connections in ground-based radio traffic as well as possible base stations. The frequencies granted are either customer-specific or intended for shared use.


PMR (External link)



Amateur radio station (RA) radio licences are intended for operating amateur radio communications. The applicant of a radio licence must have an amateur radio certificate.

An amateur radio club must have a station supervisor with an amateur radio certificate.

RA (External link)

RA (External link)



Radio microphone radio licences (RM) (External link) are intended for situations where a radio microphone is intended to be used in the short-term with parameters, such as frequency and/or radiated power, that do not meet the requirements for being exempt from licensing. In addition to actual radio microphones, the licences also cover transmitter devices serving in-ear monitors.



RM (External link)


Radio controller connection radio licences (RO) (External link) are intended for the remote control of various devices with line of sight in trade and industry. The radiated power is low, maximum 100 mW ERP, and typical controlled devices include various cranes.


RO (External link)



Satellite system and earth station (SAT) (External link) radio licences are needed for the radio transmitters used in satellites and their earth stations.


SAT (External link)



Fixed wireless access network (WLL) radio licences are needed for using wireless broadband networks operating in their own frequency range. The networks operate on the 1,350 MHz frequency range. The radio licence can be applied for with a free-form application.



Contact form (External link)


Radio licences for short-term events
You can use our electronic application form to apply for radio licences for radiotelephones, telemetry transmitters, radio microphones and wireless cameras / video links at the same time. Radio licences for the short-term use of other licence types are applied for with the options given for each licence type in the table.



Application form (External link)


[1] Radiolupa maksetaan jo hakemusta jätettäessä ja se lupa astuu voimaan heti maksun jälkeen.

[2] Myönnettävä radiolupa on kokonaan uusi ja tarkoitettu radiolähettimelle, jolla ei ennestään ole voimassa olevaa lupaa. Muutokset voimassa olevaan lupaan haetaan toisella vaihtoehdolla.

[3] Sähköiseen asiointiimme kirjaudutaan vahvan tunnistautumisen kautta. Jos asioit jonkun muun kuin itsesi puolesta, on sinulla oltava tähän

[4] Myönnettävä radiolupa käsitellään jätetyn hakemuksen perusteella pääsääntöisesti 28 päivän kuluessa ja radiolupa laskutetaan erikseen. Radiolähettimelle voi hakea kokonaan uutta radiolupaa tai muutosta jo olemassa olevaan radiolupaan.

[5] Verkkosivuillemme upotettu hakemuslomake vastaa sähköistä asiointia sillä poikkeuksella, että vahvaa tunnistautumista ei tarvita ja että lyhytaikaiseen radiolupaan ei tällä lomakkeella voi hakea muutosta.

[6] Erillisenä tiedostona jaettava hakemuslomake tallennetaan omalle koneelle, joten lomakkeen täyttämistä voi jatkaa myöhemmin. Hakemus lähetetään virastolle sähköpostin liitetiedostona osoitteeseen
