Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

The volume of data transferred over Finnish mobile networks continues to show a clear increasing trend. The coverage of fast 5G networks was further improved. The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom regularly releases information on the use and development of communications networks and services in Finland.

The volume of data transferred over mobile networks in Finland continues to grow rapidly. The increase in the data transfer rates available in subscriptions and the improved coverage of 5G networks also affect data use volumes. Finnish mobile network users have opted for increasingly fast mobile subscription plans. Up to two thirds of subscriptions offer speeds of at least 100 Mbps. In 2022, monthly data consumption per capita was 66 GB, which is 8 GB more than in 2021. In 2022, more than 2,700 new 5G base stations were built, which improved the availability of the network.

Käännös tulossa
Figure 1. Mobile subscriptions by download speed, percentage of subscriptions.

Availability of 5G continued to improve

At the end of 2022, fast 5G networks covered 87% of Finnish households and 12% of the country’s land area. Both shares increased by 5 percentage points during the year. There were no significant changes in the coverage of fast 4G networks. At the end of the year, the networks covered 94% of households and 20% of the land area. In this context, fast network refers to a network with a download speed of at least 100 Mbps outdoors when not taking into account the effects of network congestion, obstacles in the natural or built environment or limitations due to the capacity of devices.

Käännös tulossa
Figure 2. Coverage of 4G and 5G networks with a download speed of 100 Mbps at the end of 2022.

The statistics are based on data on the year 2022 that Traficom has collected from telecommunications operators. For the latest statistics, please visit the website (External link).


Mobile network coverage by municipality and region (External link) 

Regional data in the service Data.Traficom maps (External link)

More statistics on the communications sector (External link)

Essi Hytti, Communications Market Specialist, tel. 029 539 0535,

Joonas Sotaniemi, Communications Market Specialist, tel. +358 29 539 0309, (mobile network coverage)