Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

The taxi services reform in 2021 reintroduced the entrepreneurship examination as a precondition for a taxi transport licence. The requirement also applies to those who already hold a valid licence. Licence holders who have not yet passed the examination must do so by 1 May 2022.

In addition to new entrepreneurs, the requirement of completing the entrepreneurship examination also applies to many licence holders already providing taxi services. Taxi transport licence holders who do not yet fulfil the professional qualification requirement must ensure that they do so by 1 May 2022 at the latest. If a taxi transport licence has been issued to a person, the person in question must take the examination. If the licence has been issued to a company, the examination must be taken by the company’s transport manager approved by Traficom. Failure to complete the entrepreneurship examination will result in the cancellation of the taxi transport licence.

As a rule, the entrepreneurship examination requires completing the related entrepreneurship training. However, holders of a valid taxi transport licence and transport managers may take the examination without completing the preceding training. This exception applies to licence holders whose licences were issued between 1 July 2018 and 30 April 2021 and to transport managers approved during the same period.

Successfully completed examinations do not need to be reported to Traficom. Traficom will receive the information from the training organisation that organised the examination .

Exemptions from the entrepreneurship examination requirement

The requirement of completing the entrepreneurship examination does not apply to holders of a valid taxi transport licence who met the professional qualification requirements of the repealed Taxi Transport Act (217/2007).

The entrepreneurship examination is not required if:

  • a taxi transport licence has been issued to a person, the licence is valid and the licence was issued before 1 July 2018
  • a taxi transport licence has been issued to a company, the licence is valid, the licence was issued before 1 July 2018 and the transport manager was approved before 1 July 2018 (or if the transport manager was approved after the said date, he or she meets the professional qualification requirement of the repealed Taxi Transport Act).

The requirement of completing the entrepreneurship training does not apply to holders of goods or passenger transport licences that provide taxi transport services subject to a notification.

Cancellation of transport licence

If a holder of a valid taxi transport licence does not meet the professional qualification requirement by 1 May 2022, Traficom will take measures to cancel the licence.

If an entrepreneur or company is about to end their business operations and the licence holder or transport manager does not intend to take the examination, the licence holder may request the cancellation of the transport licence. 

Enquiries and further information:

Transport licence advisory service
+358 29 534 5181
Mon–Fri 8.00-16.15