Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

Active innovation for sixth generation mobile communications technology, or 6G, is already ongoing. The European Commission will be focusing on the development steps of 6G technology in Europe and preparing a roadmap for the uptake of 6G. The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom and the Ministry of Transport and Communications will be participating in the work on 6G frequencies to ensure the efficient use of spectrum and the development of future broadband networks and services.

5G mobile communications technology is now being deployed. At the same time, it is important to examine 6G, which will help in achieving sustainable development goals by connecting the physical, digital and biological world. The terminal device of the future is much more than a smartphone: billions of machines, devices, people, vehicles, robots and drones will be connected to the cloud through a network optimised by artificial intelligence. 6G will make distributed networks and edge computing available, which will enable e.g. hologram meetings and truly virtual interaction between people. In addition to this, combining new satellite technologies with 6G will enable global connections on the ground, at sea and in the air.

Finland to play an active part in 6G development

“Finland is a leading country in communications technology. Together with the Ministry of Transport and Communications, we will work to ensure that Finland is also a leading country in 6G development. We are closely involved in radio spectrum work both within the EU and internationally," says Director-General of Traficom Kirsi Karlamaa.

The Radio Spectrum Policy Group, comprising of EU member state representatives, will follow and investigate the research and development of 6G and study European 6G test plans and trials in its new Work Programme. Companies, industries and research projects can present their results and objectives in workshops, which will be used by the committee to identify new needs for 6Gf spectrum harmonisation as well as implications on spectrum regulation. The European Commission will draft 6G roadmaps based on this preparatory work. Chief Advisor Heidi Himmanen from Traficom has been appointed co-chair of the 6G subgroup of the Radio Spectrum Policy Group. 

Related to International Telecommunication Union ITU activities Traficom works together with interest groups and the University of Oulu, in particular. The eight-year 6G Flagship project steered by the University of Oulu was the world’s first 6G research programme in 2018. The leading European 6G research project Hexa-X is coordinated by Nokia with participants from Aalto University and the University of Oulu.


Suvi Juurakko-Lehikoinen, Traficom RSPG representative, Head of Spectrum Management and Media, tel. +358 29 539 0446,, twitter: @l_suvi (External link)

Heidi Himmanen, Chief Advisor, tel. +358 29 539 0441,, twitter: @HimmanenHeidi (External link)

The Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG) is a high-level advisory group assisting the European Commission in the development of radio spectrum policy. The RSPG issues statements, opinions, position papers and reports to assist and advise the Commission on a strategic level in the following matters: radio spectrum policy issues, coordination of policy approaches, and, harmonised conditions, where appropriate, with regard to the availability and efficient use of radio spectrum necessary for the establishment and functioning of the internal market. Finland is represented in the RSPG by the Ministry of Transport and Communications with support from Traficom.