Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

Finnish National Travel Surveys - information services and data

If you are unable to find exactly those results of the Finnish National Travel Surveys that you need on the Traficom website, you can request a tailor-made analysis from Traficom's statistics services at

Please note that public information services are subject to a fee. The fee is charged in accordance with the price list for Traficom’s transport-related services.

Request for data use

The data contained in the Finnish National Travel Survey is available for research use and for studies, analyses and planning purposes when they concern the anticipation of future mobility, land use planning and the planning or monitoring of new transport services and investments in railways, roads, streets and pedestrian and cycling infrastructure.

If you wish to request research data for scientific research, please see Disclosure of data for research purposes

For other purposes, please fill in the form for requesting the disclosure of data (External link) and send it by email to

The disclosure of data is subject to a fee based on an hourly rate in accordance with the price list for Traficom’s transport-related services. The amount charged is based the actual hours worked. Government agencies and institutions are not charged a fee for data or data disclosure services.

Expanding the data 

When the data is used to estimate total travel distances and the total number of trips at regional level, the expansion factors should be in accordance with the regional division and the population categorisation used. 

For more information on expansion, consult the technical report (in Finnish) (External link).
