Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

Increasingly fast, high-quality communications networks and the data transmitted in the networks serve as a platform for new services, applications and innovations that benefit trade, industry and consumers alike. The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom promotes the development of new services and communications connections needed by society by allowing new uses of amateur radio frequencies and RHA68 radios for recreational use. In addition, certain radio equipment is exempted from licencing and the capacity for mobile network backbone connections increased.

Traficom responds to the needs of our digital society by allowing new uses of frequencies for recreational use and amateur radio.

New uses for RHA68 radios

The possible uses of RHA68 radios are increased by allowing fixed base stations on radio channels 15, 16 and 18–21 for professional and recreational use (RHA68). This will enable the more diverse use of RHA68 equipment, for example, for so-called village radio systems, in which radio telephones can be used as a backup communications system if there are disturbances in other communications networks.

New frequencies for amateur radio

New frequencies are opened up for amateur radio in the 29 MHz and 430 MHz frequency bands. These will allow several new frequency pairs for repeaters in both frequency bands to alleviate the occasional shortage of repeater channels. In the 430 MHz frequency band, the new channels also make it possible to move repeaters to frequencies with uses more compatible with licence-exempt radio equipment.  

Congestion on maritime radio channels alleviated

On maritime frequencies, digital use with channel width of 12.5 kHz and 6.25 kHz will be allowed on the 457 MHz and 467 MHz UHF channels for internal communications on board vessels. This will alleviate congestion on the channels and enable the use of modern radio equipment on board vessels. 

More capacity for mobile network backbone connections

In the 7 GHz frequency band, 56 MHz channels will be opened up for radio links to enable greater data transfer capacity. 

The new channels enable data transfer rates up to 1 Gbit/s, making it possible to meet the increasing data transfer needs for backbone connections in mobile networks with wireless links.

Changes to the conditions governing the use of wireless local area networks

New limitations are imposed on wireless local area networks (WLAN) in the 5 GHz frequency band in accordance with the European Commission’s RLAN Decision. The limitations concern the use of RLAN equipment inside road vehicles, trains and aircraft. The purpose of the limitations is to reduce the risk of interference to the primary use of the frequency band, such as weather radars. 

New equipment exempted from licencing

The regulatory amendments exempt from licencing Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) devices for the investigation of materials in accordance with the Commission Decision on short-range devices. Ground-probing radars for professional use are also exempted from licencing. The radars are intended for investigating the condition of roads or structures, for example.  

The changes concerning the uses of frequency bands and the exemptions from licencing entered into force by way of the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency’s updated Radio Frequency Regulation 4 and Regulation 15 on licence-exempt radio transmitters. The two regulations govern the use of radio frequencies and equipment in Finland. The regulations take into account the outcomes of international cooperation and national special needs.


Mikko Rintala, Senior Specialist, tel. +358 295 390 459,

Tero Aulanko, Radio Network Specialist, tel. +358 295 390 660,

Tapio Penkkala, Chief Specialist, tel. +358 295 390 434,

The regulations are available on the Finlex website: 

Radio Frequency Regulation M4 (External link) (available in Finnish and Swedish)

Regulation 15 on collective frequencies for licence-exempt radio transmitters and their use (External link) (available in Finnish and Swedish)