Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

Companies can transfer to electronic consignment note management in all their EU transports in summer 2027. Electronic consignment note information must be approved by the supervising authority from 9 July 2027. The introduction of paperless freight transport will increase productivity and create new business opportunities. The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom is the authority responsible for electronic Freight Transport Information (eFTI) in Finland. Fintraffic implements the technical gateway (eFTI gate), which transmits consignment note requests from the authorities and company responses.

In its Delegated Regulations published in the Official Journal on 20 December 2024, the European Commission established the eFTI data requirements for all EU countries. The eFTI data model is interoperable with the UN/CEFACT standard, just as the eMSW and the customs declaration data model. 

On 20 December 2024, the Commission also published a regulation on the requirements for the IT systems and operation of authorities supervising consignment note information. 

The use of eFTI is voluntary for companies but mandatory for all EU authorities supervising freight transport. 

How can companies prepare for the eFTI data requirements?

Companies should start preparing well in advance. Traficom and Fintraffic provide further information and support at different stages of the transition. 

You can learn more about the eFTI data requirements in the regulations or in the Gefeg service (External link). By comparing the data requirements with the company's enterprise resource planning, you can find out how well your company's transport management matches them. 

eFTI does not add any additional requirements to freight transport information. The eFTI data requirements consist of current requirements for EU countries' authorities in road, rail, air and inland waterway transport. The requirements also cover the transport of dangerous goods. 

Benefits for companies

When all parties in the transport chain produce, process and exchange data in a secure and reliable electronic environment, the benefits are shared by everyone involved. 

The main benefits of eFTI are:

  • Reduced costs
  • Improved efficiency 
  • Increased transparency

What happens next?

The Commission will draw up regulations on the requirements for the IT systems to be used by companies and the rules for their certification. Once the regulation work has been completed, Traficom and Fintraffic will publish instructions on the use of eFTI on their websites.

Joint eFTI4EU and eFTI4ALL projects between Member States and companies will pilot the deployment of electronic consignment notes together. The Finnish authorities will actively prepare for the change by participating in projects, cooperation groups and pilots. Preparing for an EU-wide transition by learning and experimenting together ensures successful deployment and benefits.