Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

A permit to fly is needed when the Certificate of Airworthiness is not valid or it cannot be issued, such as if the Airworthiness Review Certificate has expired, but the Aircraft needs to be flown to a place where an airworthiness review can be carried out and it can be flown safely according to the given Flight Conditions.

Issuance of a Permit to Fly requires an application that is sent to Traficom. Applicant can be the Registered Owner of the Aircraft, Maintenance Organization, Continuing Airworthinesss Management Organization or an individual authorized by the Aircraft Owner. The applicant should be in control of the aircraft continuing airworthiness for the entire validity period intended for the Permit to Fly.


Approval of conditions is sought from Traficom or EASA

The Permit to fly has always related Flight Conditions, approval of which is applied with another form. In the form applicant suggests conditions that ensure flight safety despite the shortcomings of the aircraft airworthiness.

Ordinarily Traficom approves the Flight Conditions when the shortcomings in airworthiness are not related to the safety of design of the aircraft, such as;

  • Airworthiness Review Certificate has expired
  • Maintenance period, defined in Maintenance Program is overdue, but is not an Airworthiness Limitation Item
  • When delivering or exporting a new aircraft the design of which is approved
  • When demonstrating continuing conformity with the standard previously accepted by the Agency for the aircraft or type of aircraft to qualify or re-qualify for a (restricted -) certificate of airworthiness.


Approval of conditions for permit to fly is sought from EASA, when they are related to safety design of an aircraft as follows:

  1. The aircraft does not conform to an approved design; or
  2. An Airworthiness Limitation, a Certification Maintenance Requirement or an Airworthiness Directive has not been complied with; or
  3. The intended flight(s) are outside the approved envelope

Use this form when applying for both permit to fly and flight conditions from Traficom.

(The flight conditions are not related to safety of the design)

Use this form when EASA approves the flight conditions, after which apply for permit to fly from Traficom.

Use this form when EASA approves the flight conditions, after which apply for permit to fly from Traficom.(The flight conditions are related to the safety of the design).

Send the application to the EASA address specified in the form.