Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

Operators of VHF radio stations on board vessel must hold a valid maritime radio certificate corresponding to the radio station equipment. The use of maritime VHF radio requires at least Short Range Certificate.

Short Range Certificate (SRC) examination

The main focus in the SRC examination is on the distress and safety communication formats and the use of maritime VHF channels. The examination is based on self-learning. The learning material in English will be sent after the registration. 

The examination has the following structure:  

  1. A briefing concerning key points by the examiner (general short discussion and questions from the floor are allowed)
  2. Theory exam (writing time maximum 1 hour 45 minutes)
  3. Review of the correct answers (ca. 10 minutes)

Examinees should bring the following to the examination:

  • Writing gear (pen and pencil)
  • 1 formal passport photograph (not older than two years and no previous stamps or markings on it)
  • A copy of passport page(s) containing personal data if nationality other than Finnish – otherwise a document with the holder's photograph and Finnish personal identity code (Finnish driving licence is enough)

Fees for radio examination and radio certificate

The fees are based on the relevant government decree currently in force. An invoice for the fees will be sent afterwards by post.

  • Examination €45.40 / examination session
  • Certificate €43.75 

Additional information, learning material and registration 

Please contact:

Mr. Ari Caselius
Senior inspector
Telephone: +358 295 390 437
Mobile: +358 40 510 0374
