Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

The notification on the engine replacement must be made without delay, but no later than 30 days after the replacement. The replacement is free of charge.

Please verify the maximum engine power determined by the manufacturer of your watercraft

If you are replacing your engine with a more powerful one, please verify the maximum engine power for your boat as indicated by the manufacturer. The new engine must not exceed this power. 

You can verify this data in the declaration of conformity for your watercraft or on the manufacturer’s website. Traficom also publishes a table indicating the maximum engine power for some watercraft. If you cannot find the information anywhere, you may inquire about the power directly at Traficom by sending e-mail to 

Oldest boat models and maximum engine power

We collect information on the oldest boat models and engine powers. We regularly update the table.  The table may also be used to verify other technical data for boats, such as their length, width, weight and the maximum number of passengers. 

Draft a deed of transfer or bill of sale with the seller

When you are purchasing an engine, do not forget to draft a deed of transfer or bill of sale on the engine with the vendor. You will need it when making a register notification for the engine. 

You may use the Traficom deed of transfer templates (External link) and, in this case, only indicate the engine data. 

Please ensure that you will receive a declaration of conformity when necessary

If you purchase a new engine, please ensure that you receive for it a declaration of conformity in accordance with the Directive on recreational craft. The declaration of conformity is usually available in the user instruction manual.
