Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom
Banner of Leading Edge 5G Forum


How can we safeguard the future digital society? How can we prevent cybersecurity threats in 5G and pave the way towards new digital infrastructure and user-centric services? Check the full Program here!
Seminar audience in a seminar hall, blue atmosphere

Information about Leading Edge 5G Forum

Businessman holding smartphone on his hand
The future digital society will be built on 5G networks. We in Finland strive to safeguard the future 5G-based businesses and services by focusing strongly on 5G cyber security already now - in the early stages of 5G transformation.

Travel Information

How to navigate in Helsinki city and find your way to Scandic Marina Congress Center easily? Read more!


The Leading Edge 5G Forum program is unique - we offer you European insights to 5G cybersecurity covering both the voice of technology vendors and operators, the authorities and white hat hackers. Check the speaker list!