How can we safeguard the future digital society? How can we prevent cybersecurity threats in 5G and pave the way towards new digital infrastructure and user-centric services? Check the full Program here!
The future digital society will be built on 5G networks. We in Finland strive to safeguard the future 5G-based businesses and services by focusing strongly on 5G cyber security already now - in the early stages of 5G transformation.
The very first ever 5G Cyber Security Hackathon in the world was held on Nov 29 - Dec 1, 2019 in Oulu, Finland. Read here the news about the worldclass cybersecurity event that embraced 5G.
The Leading Edge 5G Forum program is unique - we offer you European insights to 5G cybersecurity covering both the voice of technology vendors and operators, the authorities and white hat hackers. Check the speaker list!